FolkestoneJack's Tracks

Summer in South Norwood

Posted in England, South Norwood by folkestonejack on August 14, 2022

Our local recreation ground is looking drier and dustier than I can recall on any past summer with barely any drop of rain over the past month or so. The forecasters have occasionally teased the return of rain, but so far it has disappeared as the appointed hour arrives. I’m sure this is a scene being repeated across the UK, but even still, it is shocking to see the effect that climate change is having at a local level.

Summer in South Norwood

The photo above was taken a week ago, so things are quite a bit worse now. There is no hosepipe ban here yet, but Thames Water are planning to introduce one soon enough. In the meantime, a torrent of water from a leak from their pipes continue to run the length of my road, as it has for the past three weeks, despite an attempt at a fix. Bring on the rain, but no flash floods please!

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