FolkestoneJack's Tracks

Diesel convoy

Posted in Eastleigh, England, Poole by folkestonejack on May 5, 2011

The Swanage Railway’s annual diesel gala and beer festival is a great occasion in a beautiful location and I usually try to make it down there for at least one day. On this occasion I couldn’t make it but did manage to see the diesel convoys heading to the gala, witnessing the combination of two class 73 electro-diesels (73136 ‘Perseverance’ and 73205 ‘Jeanette’) and one Crompton (D6515) depart from Eastleigh.

Later in the day, I saw the convoy on a second occasion as it passed through Holes Bay, Poole with 1498 3 CIG. A second convoy passed through a little later in the day (with 57601, 37503, 55009, 56301 and D1062) but I only managed a grab shot of this one and it’s probably best that it doesn’t see the light of day!