FolkestoneJack's Tracks

RFA Proteus in London

Posted in England, London by folkestonejack on May 15, 2024

It was a real surprise to see the Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship Proteus on the Thames last year last year for her official dedication. Unfortunately my efforts to grab a shot of her departure from London went wrong when I uncharacteristically mistimed my arrival at the riverside, sufficient only to catch a glimpse of her receding into the distance. I never expected to get a second chance but was delighted when she returned this week.

RFA Proteus on the Thames

On this occasion RFA Proteus was visiting London as part of the First Sea Lord’s Sea Power Conference 2024. After a short stay in the capital RFA Proteus passed under Tower Bridge at 7.45am this morning with the assistance of two tugs, VS Ambition and Serviceman. On arrival at a spot on the Thames opposite Surrey Basin Lock the two tugs helped turn RFA Proteus round before continuing on their way.

RFA Proteus was formerly a supply vessel used to service offshore oil and gas platforms (going by the name of MV Topaz Tangaroa in her previous guise). The vessel was purchased by HM Government for the Royal Navy to help provide undersea surveillance and protect seabed telecommunications cables and oil/gas pipelines in the light of events in Baltic waters.


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